Words for a release.
fulfilling a sense of belonging was the key to building ‘maiden’.
Somewhere in between the hazy teenage high school student and the frantic university freshman, I found myself without a solid Fine Arts diploma or a great foundation I would’ve hoped for as I become a mother at nineteen. The next few years I struggled as I searched for a foothold, not knowing if what I lacked was the cap and gown or the centred, working-class family like generations before me. A whimsical, romanticised version of those thoughts, wishes and non-regrets is what my work in Maiden is to me. In a way, the continuous out-pour of creations reflects the never-ending journey of maiden to motherhood. A constant sensation of push and pull, tumultuous heart-ache and utter euphoria.
Musings for Maiden.
maiden encapsulates all of the domestic bits and pieces that get folded into everyday living. tucked away, not obviously remembered or purposefully actioned; but is the fundamental structure of an everyday routine. she’s my maiden series that deserves to be celebrated. she’s the milestone of maiden to motherhood.
focusing on the sense of belonging and nostalgia, these pieces are me.
open exclusively online 22 august.